Academic Appointments
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Arleen C. Carlson Professor of Political Science, July 2024–present
Professor of Political Science, September 2020–present
Associate Professor of Political Science, August 2017–August 2020
University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN
Associate Professor of Political Science and Peace Studies, July 2013–May 2017
Columbia University, New York, NY
Associate Professor of Political Science, July 2009–June 2013
Assistant Professor of Political Science, July 2002–June 2009
John M. Olin Institute for Strategic Studies, Cambridge, MA
National Security Postdoctoral Fellow, August 2001–June 2002
Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
Ph.D. in Political Science received September 2001
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
A.B. magna cum laude received in Social Studies, June 1994
2024. Military Medicine and the Hidden Costs of War. New York: Oxford University Press.
2018. Wars of Law: Unintended Consequences in the Regulation of Armed Conflict. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
Winner of the 2019 Best Book Award, International Collaboration Section, American Political Science Association.
Winner of the 2019 Best Book Award, International Law Section, International Studies Association.
Translated into German (Hamburger Edition, 2019).
2007. State Death: The Politics and Geography of Conquest, Occupation, and Annexation. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Winner of the 2008 Best Book Award, Conflict Processes Section, American Political Science Association.
Forthcoming. “Is War in Decline?” Annual Review of Political Science.
2024. “Military Medicine and Morale: Perceptions of Triage Inequalities Impact National Security.” Journal of Health and Social Sciences. 9:3, pp. 432–56. With Jane L. Sumner, Jessica Korona, and Tracey Perez Koehlmoos.
2024. “The Power of Principles: What Norms are Still Good For.” Foreign Affairs. 103:4, pp. 148–54.
2022. “A Course-Long Online Simulation: The International Relations of COVID-19.” Journal of Political Science Education. 19:2, pp. 297–306. With Maria Sanchez.
2022. “A Course-Long Online Simulation: The International Relations of COVID-19.” With Maria Sanchez. Journal of Political Science Education. Doi: 10.1080/15512169.2022.2136095.
2022. “The Return of Conquest? Why the Future of Global Order Hinges on Ukraine.” Foreign Affairs. 101:3, pp. 20–27.
2021. “The Decline in Declarations of War: An Exchange.” Security Studies. 30:5, pp. 893–904.
2021. “What You Fight for Shapes How You Fight.” Proceedings of the American Society of International Law Annual Meeting. 115, pp. 58–60.
2021. “#SorryNotSorry: Why States Neither Confirm nor Deny Responsibility for Cyber Operations.” European Journal of International Security. 6:4, pp. 401–17. With Joseph Brown.
2021. “Life and Limb: New Estimates of Casualty Aversion in the US.” International Studies Quarterly. 65:1, pp. 160–72.
2021. “The Political and Security Dimensions of the Humanitarian Health Response to Violent Conflict.” The Lancet. 397:10273, pp. 511–21. Paul H. Wise (Lead Author). With Annie Shiel, Nicole Southard, Eran Bendavid, Jennifer Welsh, Stephen Stedman, Tanisha Fazal, Vanda Felbab-Brown, David Polatty, Ronald J Walman, Paul B Spiegel, Karl Blanchet, Rita Dayoub, Aliyu Zakayo, Michele Barry, Daniel Martinez Garcia, Heather Pagano, Robert Black, Michelle F Gaffey, and Zulfiquar A Bhutto.
2020. “Health Diplomacy in Pandemical Times.” International Organization. 74:S1, pp. E78–E97.
2020. Lengthening the Shadow of International Law. Ethics & International Affairs. 34:2, pp. 229–40.
2019. “War is Not Over: What the Optimists Get Wrong About Conflict.” Foreign Affairs. 98:6, pp. 74–83. With Paul Poast.
2019. “Homelands versus Minelands: When and Why Do Rebel Groups Commit to Adhere to International Humanitarian Law?” Journal of Global Security Studies. 4:2, pp. 149–68. With Margarita Konaev.
2018. “Religionist Rebels and the Sovereignty of the Divine.” Dædalus. 147:1, pp. 25–35.
2018. “Go Your Own Way: Why Rising Separatism Might Lead to More Conflict.” Foreign Affairs. 97:4, pp. 113–23.
2017. “Rebellion, War Aims, and the Laws of War.” Dædalus. 146:1, pp. 1–12.
2016. “An Occult of Irrelevance? Multimethod Research and Engagement with the Policy World.” Security Studies. 25:1, pp. 34–41.
2015. “A Particular Difference: European Identity and Civilian Targeting.” British Journal of Political Science. 45:1, pp. 829–51. With Brooke C. Greene.
2014. “Dead Wrong? Battle Deaths, Military Medicine, and Exaggerated Reports of War’s Demise.” International Security. 39:1, pp. 95–125.
2014. “Membership Has its Privileges: The Changing Benefits of Statehood.” International Studies Review. 16:1, pp. 79–106. With Ryan D. Griffiths.
2014. “Nonfatal Casualties and the Changing Costs of War.” Policy Brief, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School, November 2014.
2014. “The Fall and Rise of Peace Treaties.” AJIL Unbound. 108, pp. 46–51.
2013. “The Demise of Peace Treaties in Interstate War.” International Organization. 67:4, pp. 695–724.
2012. “Why States No Longer Declare War.” Security Studies. 21:4, pp. 557–93.
2008. “A State of One’s Own: The Rise of Secession Since World War II.” Brown Journal of World Affairs. 15:1, pp. 199–209. With Ryan D. Griffiths.
2004. “State Death in the International System.” International Organization. 58:2, pp. 311–44. Reprinted in Handler, Scott, ed. 2012. International Politics: Classic and Contemporary Readings. Washington, DC: CQ Press.
Chapters in Peer-Reviewed Edited Volumes
2013. “Why Are Failed States’ Borders Stable Against External Predation?” In Beck, Robert J., ed. Law and Disciplinarity: Thinking Beyond Borders. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
Book Reviews
2021. “The Case for Complacency: Does Washington Worry Too Much About Threats?” Review of The Stupidity of War: American Foreign Policy and the Quest for Complacency by John Mueller (Cambridge University Press, 2021). Foreign Affairs. 100:5, pp. 204–08.
2019. Review of Plausible Legality: Legal Culture and Political Imperative in the Global War on Terror by Rebecca Sanders (Oxford University Press, 2018). Part of a Critical Dialogue for Perspectives on Politics. 17:2, pp. 498–99.
2019. The Net Cost of the “Western Way of War”: Review of Bugsplat: The Politics of Collateral Damage in Western Armed Conflicts by Bruce Cronin (Oxford University Press, 2018). Journal of Genocide Research. 21:2, pp. 269–73.
2018. Review of A World of Struggle: How Power, Law, and Expertise Shape Global Political Economy by David Kennedy (Princeton University Press, 2016). H-Diplo Roundtable. XIX: 26.
2015. Review of Organizational Progeny: Why Governments are Losing Control over the Proliferating Structures of Global Governance by Tana Johnson (Oxford University Press, 2014). International Politics Reviews. 3:2, pp. 61–72.
2014. Review of A Scrap of Paper: Breaking and Making International Law During the Great War by Isobel V. Hull (Cornell University Press, 2014). Political Science Quarterly. 129:4, pp. 751–52.
2012. Review of The Arc of War: Origins, Escalation, and Transformation by Jack S. Levy and William R. Thompson (The University of Chicago Press, 2011). Perspectives on Politics. 10:2, pp. 458–59.
2006. Review of Producing Security: Multinational Corporations, Globalization, and the Changing Calculus of Conflict by Stephen G. Brooks (Princeton University Press, 2005). Political Science Quarterly. 121:2, pp. 329–30.
Work in Progress
“International Power in the Anthropocene.” With Page Fortna.
“Military Medicine and Military Morale.” With Jessica Korona, Tracey Koehlmoos, and Jane Sumner.
“Islamic Humanitarian Law and Islamic Insurgent Groups.” With Emilia Powell and Jessica Stanton.
“Mapping US and Chinese Health Diplomacy.” With Logan Stundal.
“Military Medicine and Military Effectiveness.” With Pedro Accorsi.
“Naming, Shaming, and the Laws of War: When Does the ICRC Go Public?” With Brooke C. Greene and Minju Kwon.
“What is the International Community?”
“The Causes and Consequences of Outsourcing NDCs.” With Yoonsoo Kim and Maria Sanchez.
Data Sets
Revisions to the Correlates of War List of Members of the Interstate System
War Initiation and Termination (WIT) (with Page Fortna)
Civil War Initiation and Termination (C-WIT) (with Page Fortna)
Military Medicine in Interstate Wars
“Paving the Way: Mentoring Women of Color Studying Political Violence” (P.I)
(Carla Martinez Machain, University at Buffalo, SUNY, co-P.I.)
Carnegie Corporation ($160,000)
December 1, 2024–November 30, 2026
“Morale, Manpower, and Medicine: The Relationship between Military Medicine and Military Effectiveness” (P.I.)
(Tracey Koehlmoos, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, co-P.I.)
Department of Defense, US Army Medical Research and Development Command ($479,387)
September 30, 2020–June 30, 2025
“Military Medicine and the Changing Costs of War” (P.I.)
Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation ($40,000)
August 2, 2017–June 30, 2018
“Strategies of Violence, Tools of Peace, and Changes in War Termination” (co-P.I. with Page Fortna, Columbia University)
National Science Foundation ($346,684)
September 15, 2009–August 31, 2012
“States at Risk: Then and Now” (co-P.I. with Page Fortna, Columbia University)
The Carnegie Corporation ($349,000)
January 1, 2009–August 31, 2012
Moody Grant to conduct archival research at the Johnson Presidential Library (P.I.)
The Lyndon Baines Johnson Foundation ($1,075)
October 1, 2004–March 31, 2005
“US Role in Changing Norms of War” (P.I.)
The Ford Foundation ($100,000)
August 1, 2004–January 31, 2006
“The New US Imperialism” (with Kimberly Marten (Barnard College), Page Fortna (Columbia University), and Alexander Cooley (Alexander Cooley))
The Carnegie Corporation ($156,200)
May 2003–May 2005
Talle Faculty Research Award for “Military Medicine and the Changing Costs of War”
College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota ($12,103)
January 1, 2018–December 31, 2020
Teaching Innovation Grant
Center for Educational Innovation, University of Minnesota ($465)
March 2018–December 2018
Large Henkels Grant for the 2016 Annual Meeting of the Peace Science Society
Institute for Social and Liberal Arts, University of Notre Dame ($8,000)
November 2015–October 2016
Kroc Institute Research Grant for “The Changing Costs of War”
Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame ($5,000)
May 2015–May 2016
Large Social Science Research Grant for “The Laws of War in Civil Conflict”
Institute for Social and Liberal Arts, University of Notre Dame ($5,133)
March 27, 2015–March 2016
Small Research and Creative Work Grant for “The Wounds of War”
Institute for Social and Liberal Arts, University of Notre Dame ($2,175)
December 16, 2013–December 2014
Teaching Beyond the Classroom Grant for “The Conduct and Conclusion of Civil War”
College of Arts and Letters, University of Notre Dame ($2,030)
For Spring Term 2014
“Indian Foreign Policy and Compliance with Jus in Bello”
Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy, Columbia University ($5,000)
MacDonald Summer Fellowship to collect data on historical civil wars
Columbia University ($3,000)
May 2008–May 2009
“The Changing Meaning of War” (with Page Fortna)
Institute for Social and Economic Policy and Research, Columbia University ($9,787)
June 2004–December 2005
Council Grant for project on “Violating the Norm Against Conquest”
Columbia University ($3,000)
Summer 2003
Project on “Colonialism, Terrain, and Sovereignty” selected for support
Earth Institute Research Assistant Program, Columbia University
Spring 2003
Grant to found and support the Columbia University International Politics Seminar (CUIPS) (with Page Fortna and Erik Gartzke)
Institute for Social and Economic Policy and Research, Columbia University
Institute of War and Peace Studies, Columbia University
Annual grants, September 2002–May 2013
Fellowships, Honors, and Awards
National and International
Distinguished Scholar in Global Security, Dartmouth University, Fall 2022
2022 Best Blog Post by a Senior Scholar, Online Media Caucus, International Studies Association
Andrew Carnegie Fellow, 2021–2023
Air University Visiting Scholar. September 2019–June 2020
Policy Engagement Fellow, Bridging the Gap Project. May 2019–April 2020
2019 Best Book Award, International Collaboration Section, American Political Science Association.
2019 Best Book Award, International Law Section, International Studies Association
2018 Ignite Award for Online Achievement in International Studies
Online Media Caucus of the International Studies Association
Fellow, “The Living Legacy of the First World War”
Carnegie Council for International Ethics, January 2018–December 2018
2017 Best Non-Student Paper Award, International Law Section, International Studies Association.
Modern War Institute Adjunct Scholar
United States Military Academy, West Point, April 2016–March 2017
2008 Best Book Award, Conflict Processes Section, American Political Science Association
Helen Dwight Reid Award of the American Political Science Association for the Best Dissertation in International Relations, Law and Politics submitted in 2001 or 2002
Institute on the Environment Fellow (2024–2025)
Melvin and Gertrude Waldfogel Scholar of the College (2022–2025)
College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota
Faculty Affiliate
Center for Civil and Human Rights, University of Notre Dame
2011 Graduate Student Advising Award
Columbia University Political Science Graduate Students Association
Faculty Fellow
Institute for Social and Economic Policy and Research, Columbia University
Academic Conference and Seminar Presentations (last 10 years)
“International Power in the Anthropocene” (with Page Fortna)
Monday International Relations and Theory Seminar (MIRTH), University of California, Berkeley (February 2025)
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Politics Series (January 2025)
Penn State Political Science Department Speaker Series (November 2024)
Harvard University Department of Government Speaker Series (February 2024)
West Point Security Seminar (February 2024)
2023 Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association
“The Causes and Consequences of Outsourcing Nationally Determined Contributions” (with Maria Sanchez and Yoonsoo Kim)
2024 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association
“Military Medicine and Military Morale”
2022 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association
2022 Military Health System Research Symposium (poster)
“Mapping US and Chinese Health Diplomacy” (with Logan Stundal)
University of Southern California CLASS (April 2022)
Cornell University PSAC (April 2022)
2021 Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association
2021 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (iPoster)
“Military Medicine and the Hidden Costs of War”
Changing Character of War Program, Oxford University (February 2021)
“Military Medicine and Military Effectiveness”
Oxford University Department of Politics and International Relations (May 2023)
Watson Institute, Brown University (October 2022)
Army War College (September 2022)
Dartmouth Government Seminar Series (May 2021)
Stanford University Department of Political Science Workshop (March 2021)
University of Wisconsin International Relations Colloquium (December 2020)
2020 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association
“Soldiers’ Hearts: The Changing Costs of War-Induced Psychological Trauma”
Security Studies Program, MIT (April 2019)
“The Making of a Sacred Cow: The Expansion of US Veterans Benefits Since the Civil War”
2018 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association
“The Medicine of Counterinsurgency”
2018 Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association
“What is the International Community?”
International Relations Colloquium, Yale University (October 2020)
Global Research Institute, College of William & Mary (January 2020)
Department of Political Science, Rice University (January 2020)
Center for International Peace and Security Studies, McGill University (September 2019)
Security and Statecraft Seminar, London School of Economics (March 2019)
Conference on Statehood, Princeton University (February 2018)
“Religionist Rebels and the Sovereignty of the Divine”
Conference on Civil Wars and International Order, American Academy of Arts and Sciences (November 2016)
“Naming, Shaming, and the Laws of War: When the ICRC Goes Public” (with Brooke C. Greene and Minju Kwon)
2017 Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association
2016 Annual Meeting of the Peace Science Society
“Islamic Humanitarian Law and Islamic Armed Groups” (with Emilia Powell)
Center for International Security and Cooperation, Stanford University (November 2020)
Upper Midwest International Relations Conference (May 2019)
Political Economy and Political Violence Workshop, Texas A&M University (January 2019)
International Law Workshop, University of Minnesota (January 2018)
Critical Approaches to International Humanitarian Law, University of Wisconsin, Madison (April 2017)
2017 Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association
Kroc Institute Peace and Conflict Working Group, University of Notre Dame (October 2016)
Workshop on Rebel Diplomacy, University of California, Santa Barbara (September 2016)
2016 Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association
“Rebels and Landmines: When and Why do Rebel Groups Commit to Adhere to International Humanitarian Law?” (with Margarita Konaev)
Workshop on Rebel Diplomacy, University of California, Santa Barbara (September 2016)
2016 Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association
Regional Colloquium on International Law, University of Notre Dame (March 2016)
Conference on The Laws of War as an International Regime, Princeton University (October 2015)
“#sorrynotsorry: Cyber Attacks and the Logic of non-Denial Denials” (with Joseph Brown)
2016 Annual Meeting of the International Security Studies Section of the International Studies Association (November 2016)
2016 Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association
“Life and Limb: New Estimates of Casualty Aversion in the US”
American Politics Colloquium, University of Minnesota Department of Political Science (April 2019)
Lansing B. Lee, Jr./Bankard Seminar in Global Politics, University of Virginia (April 2018)
International Security and Conflict Studies Speaker Series, The George Washington University (March 2017)
Monday International Relations and Theory Seminar, University of California, Berkeley (October 2016)
Modern War Institute, United States Military Academy, West Point (August 2016)
International Relations Colloquium, Yale University (March 2016)
Program on International Security and Policy, the University of Chicago (February 2016)
2015 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association
“Rebellion, War Aims, and the Laws of War”
Conference on New Dilemmas in War, Ethics, and Technology, United States Military Academy (West Point) (November 2015)
“International Law and the Changing Face of Conflict”
International Relations and Security Network Seminar, ETH Zurich (May 2015)
Invited Workshops and Institutes (last 10 years)
Territorial Conflict in a Changing Global Order
Vanderbilt Law School, March 2025
The Future of the Laws of Armed Conflict
American Academy of Arts and Sciences, March 2025
Multi-Method Conflict Consortium Workshop (Senior Discussant)
University of Michigan Ford School, May 2024
Emerging Scholars in International Security (Senior Discussant)
Notre Dame International Security Center, University of Notre Dame, May 2024
Workshop on Pandemic and Global Governance
Scuola Normale Superiore (Florence, Italy), May 2021
What’s the Best Way to End Wars?
Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy/Emory Law School, September 2020
COVID-19 and the Military
Future Strategies Forum, June 2020.
International Justice Lab Launch Roundtable
College of William & Mary, January 2020.
Expert Panel on Attacks on Healthcare Workers in Situations of Armed Conflict
Researching the Impact of Attacks on Healthcare project, December 2019
Book Conference for The Strategy of Secession by Ryan Griffiths.
Syracuse University, April 2019.
Rethinking the Humanitarian Health Response to Violent Conflict
American Academy of Arts and Sciences, January 2019
Book Conference for The Politics of Secret Interventions by Michael Poznansky.
University of Pittsburgh, July 2018
Book Conference for Anchoring Rebellion by Anoop Sarbahi.
University of Minnesota, June 2018
Book Conference for Dilemmas of Delegation by Cosette Creamer.
University of Minnesota. May 2018
The Future of International Responses to Civil Wars and Violence.
Geneva Institute, May 2018
Statehood in the International System
Princeton University, February 2018
Book Conference for The Nuclear Revolution and Foreign Policy by Mark Bell
University of Minnesota, November 2017
Critical Historical and Comparative Perspectives on International Humanitarian Law.
University of Wisconsin-Madison, April 2017
Book Conference for Crippling Leviathan by Melissa M. Lee
Princeton University, January 2017
Author’s Workshop for Working Group on Civil Wars and International Order
American Academy of Arts and Sciences, November 2016
Workshop on Rebel Diplomacy
University of California, Santa Barbara, September 2016
Regional Colloquium on International Law
University of Notre Dame, March 2016
New Dilemmas in Ethics, Technology, and War
American Academy of Arts and Sciences and United States Military Academy (West Point), November 2015
The Laws of War as an International Regime
Princeton University, October 2015
Author’s Workshop for Working Group on New Dilemmas in Ethics, Technology, and War
American Academy of Arts and Sciences and Stanford University, July 2015
New Directions in the Study of Territory and Political Violence
University of Tennessee, June 2015
Journeys in World Politics (Senior Mentor)
University of Iowa, March 2015
Conferences Organized
Climate Conundrum: Bridging the Gap Between Science and Security
May 2024 (co-organized with Neta Crawford, University of Oxford)
American Academy of Arts & Sciences
Book Conference for Military Medicine and the Hidden Costs of War
December 2022
Morale, Manpower, and Medicine
March 2021 (co-organized with Tracey Koehlmoos and Cathaleen Madsen, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences)
Book Conference for Wars of Law
October 2014
The Challenges of New Statehood
October 2012
Civil War Data
May 2009 (co-organized with Page Fortna)
The United States and the Laws of War
June 2006
Sovereignty and the New U.S. Imperialism
October 2005 (co-organized with Alexander Cooley, Page Fortna, and Kimberly Marten)
“How Can International Law Protect Civilians in the Israel-Hamas War?” Good Authority. October 30, 2023.
“To Help Ukraine, Send More First Aid.” Policy Brief for Scholars’ Strategy Network, June 2, 2023.
“Ukraine’s Military Medicine is a Critical Advantage.” Foreign Policy, Winter 2023.
“Putin is breaking 70 years of norms by invading Ukraine. What comes next?” The Monkey Cage. February 25, 2022.
“Slowly and Slowly: Learning the Scholar’s Craft.” H-Diplo Essay 348. June 8, 2021.
“What We Learned from the Afghanistan Papers.” The Monkey Cage. December 11, 2019. Part of expert panel.
“How Syria’s Civil War May End.” The Monkey Cage. August 28, 2019. With Benjamin Allard.
“Measles, Ukraine, and Civil War: The Missing Links.” Political Violence @ a Glance. July 22, 2019. With Logan Stundal.
“The Treaty of Versailles Was Signed June 28, 1919. So Why Don’t Countries Formalize Peace Today?” The Monkey Cage. June 28, 2019.
“How Sensitive Would the US Public be to Increased Casualties in a Denied Environment?” Appendix L to MS-CODE After-Action Report for AF/SG3/5, 25-27 October 2017. LeMay Center Wargaming Directorate, October 29, 2018. With Carrie A. Lee.
“How Long Can the U.S. Military’s Golden Hour Last?” War on the Rocks, October 8, 2018. With Todd Rasmussen, Paul Nelson, and P.K. Carlton.
“Can International Humanitarian Law Restrain Armed Groups? Lessons from NGO Work on Anti-Personnel Landmines.” Lawfare, September 30, 2018. With Margarita Konaev.
“PTSD and Veterans’ Benefits in The United States: a Historical Backgrounder.” The Modern War Institute at West Point, September 14, 2018.
“The United States’ Perpetual War in Afghanistan.” Foreign Affairs Snapshot, August 20, 2018. With Sarah Kreps.
“A New Korean War Would Kill More US Military Personnel Than You Might Think.” The Monkey Cage, January 8, 2018.
“How Norms Die.” Political Violence @ a Glance. March 13, 2017. With Seva Gunitsky.
“When it Comes to Drones, do Americans Really Care about International Law?” Open Democracy’s Open Global Rights. September 2, 2015.
“The Decline of War?” International Relations and Security Network (ISN). May 8, 2015
“Is the Islamic State a Secessionist Movement?” International Relations and Security Network (ISN). February 20, 2015.
“Civil War and Ebola.” International Relations and Security Network (ISN). November 18, 2014.
“Is War in Decline?” International Peace Institute’s Global Observatory. November 4, 2014.
“In Light of Scottish Referendum, What Future for Frustrated Secessionists?” International Peace Institute’s Global Observatory. September 30, 2014. With Ryan Griffiths.
“The US Won’t Declare War on ISIS.” Political Violence @ a Glance. September 16, 2014.
“The Reports of War’s Demise Have Been Somewhat Exaggerated.” Political Violence @ a Glance. September 8, 2014.
“The Reports of War’s Demise Have Been Exaggerated.” The Monkey Cage. September 4, 2014.
“Why is Statehood So Popular?” International Peace Institute’s Global Observatory. June 27, 2014. With Ryan Griffiths.
“The VA Scandal: One Hypothesis.” Political Violence @ a Glance. June 6, 2014.
“The World’s Newest War in the World’s Newest State.” Political Violence @ a Glance. January 6, 2014.
“Where Have All the Peace Treaties Gone?” International Peace Institute’s Global Observatory. November 14, 2013.
“What Would Happen if the US Declared War?” Political Violence @ a Glance. September 6, 2013.
“The Long Road to Statehood.” Political Violence @ a Glance. September 11, 2012.
“Atop the Sovereignty Bubble.” Political Violence at a Glance. August 14, 2012. With Bridget Coggins and Ryan Griffiths.
“No More Cups of Tea: Terrorism Research and the Law.” The Monkey Cage. August 1, 2012. With Jessica Martini.
National World War I Museum and Memorial. “Military Medicine and the Hidden Costs of War.” May 2025 (planned).
Library of Congress. “Military Medicine and the Hidden Costs of War.” August 2024.
National Museum of Civil War Medicine. “Military Medicine and the Hidden Costs of War.” July 2024
Women in International Security. “Military Medicine and the Hidden Costs of War.” June 2024.
National War College. “Military Medicine and the Hidden Costs of War.” May 2024.
Evanston Public Library. “Why and How We Fight.” May 2024.
Chicago Center on Democracy. “How Do Countries Go to War?” May 2024.
Global Health Centre, Geneva Institute. “A Guide to Global Health Diplomacy” Book Launch. February 2021.
Health Systems Research Group, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. February 2021.
United Nations, “The Evolution of Armed Groups: Crafting Effective Responses.” New York, NY. November 2017.
United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations. New York, NY. February 2017.
Induction Weekend, American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Cambridge, MA. October 2016.
United Nations High Commission on Refugees, World Health Organization, International Committee of the Red Cross and Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue. Geneva. May 2016.
Media Appearances
“Why We Underestimate the True Long-Term Costs of War.” Good Authority Podcast, July 11, 2024.
“The Hidden Costs of War.” Battle Rhythm Podcast, May 8, 2024.
“Military Medicine and the Hidden Costs of War.” New Books Podcast, May 5, 2024.
Medicine, Morale and Mustering the Force. A Better Peace: The War Room Podcast, July 18, 2023.
The Matt McNeil Show. AM950 Radio, July 10, 2023.
The Matt McNeil Show. AM950 Radio, Feb 10, 2023.
New Books Network Podcast, December 8, 2022. New Books Network.
The Changing World Order - Foreign Affairs July/August 2022 Issue Launch. Foreign Affairs, July 7, 2022.
“Arming Ukraine and ‘The Return of Conquest?’” Defense One Radio, Ep. 98, April 21, 2022. Defense One.
Interview with Ricardo Lopes. The Dissenter, No. 626, May 16, 2022.
Russian Attacks Intensify as Experts Say ‘Putin is Very Much Backed into a Corner.’ KARE 11, March 2, 2022.
The Fight Between Russia and Ukraine Continues, as Russian Forces Implement New Strategies. KCBS Radio, March 1, 2022.
US Legal Obligations and the War on Terror. Interview with Al Ahram. October 9, 2021.
Why the Domestic Political Fallout from the Afghanistan War is so Hard to Assess. FiveThirtyEight Chat, August 19, 2021.
Coronavirus Crisis. The Day, March 30, 2021. DW News.
We Need to Update Our Definition Of ‘War’. Think, December 10, 2019. KERA.
The Politics and Medicine of Treating Post-Traumatic Stress (PTS) Since World War I. Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs, The Living Legacy of the First World War, November 13, 2018. Transcript available.
Why the Afghan war has lasted so long; Rethinking ‘militarized policing’ and more. Defense One Radio, Ep. 17, August 24, 2018. Defense One.
Should We Have Mandatory Military Service? America from Scratch Podcast, August 17, 2018.
Accounting for Death in War: Separating Fact from Fiction. Interview for Royal Holloway, University of London online course. April 2018.
The Living Legacy of WWI: The Politics & Medicine of Treating Post-Traumatic Stress. Carnegie Council Audio Podcast, April 17, 2018. Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs.
State Death, War Declarations, and Battle Deaths: A Conversation with Tanisha Fazal. Politics, Power, and Preventive Action, April 10, 2017. Council on Foreign Relations.
The Modern Nature of Casualties. The Modern War Institute Podcast, September 27, 2016. The Modern War Institute at West Point.
Professional Service
Editorial Positions
Co-Editor, International History and Politics Book Series, Princeton University Press (April 2022–present)
Editorial Committee Member, World Politics (January 2024–present)
Associate Editor: International Security
Editorial Board Member: American Political Science Review, European Journal of International Security, International Organization, Journal of Global Security Studies
Advisory Board Member
NextGen Leadership Program, Carnegie Council on International Ethics (November 2024–present)
Responsible Public Engagement program on Rigor Relevance and Responsibility, Sié Chéou-Kang Center for International Security and Diplomacy, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver (September 2021–present)
Generating Respect for International Norms: The Influence of Religious Leaders on Parties to Armed Conflict, U.K. Economic and Social Research Council (September 2019–January 2023)
Award Committees
Member, Lifetime Achievement Award Committee, Conflict Processes Section of the American Political Science Association (September 2024–present)
Member, Bremer Award Committee for Best Graduate Student Paper (September 2023–January 2024)
Chair, Best Article Award Committee, International Collaboration Section of the American Political Science Association (January 2020–May 2020)
Chair, Best Book Award Committee, International Law Section of the International Studies Association (April 2019–March 2020)
Chair, Merze Tate Award Committee for Best Dissertation in International Relations, American Political Science Association (September 2018–August 2019)
Member, Distinguished Scholar Committee, International Law Section of the International Studies Association (April 2018–March 2019)
Chair, Best Paper Award Committee, International Law Section of the International Studies Association (2017)
International Security Studies Section of the International Studies Association, Best Graduate Paper (2013)
Governance Committees and Positions
Member, Committee on International Security Studies, The American Academy of Arts and Sciences (January 2018–present)
Executive Committee Member, International History and Politics Section, American Political Science Association (Fall 2016–August 2018)
Nominating Committee, Qualitative and Multi-Method Research Section of the American Political Science Association (September 2016–August 2018)
Steering Committee, New Dilemmas in Ethics, Technology and War, American Academy of Arts & Sciences (2015–2017)
Program Division Co-Chair, 2014 Annual Meeting, International Security Section of the American Political Science Association
Founder and co-lead, Paving the Way (September 2019–present)
Minority Fellowship Alumna Mentor, American Political Science Association (September 2015–present)
Contributing Blogger
Political Violence @ a Glance (August 2012–August 2019)
American Journal of Political Science, American Political Science Review, British Journal of Political Science, Cambridge University Press, Carnegie Corporation of New York, Comparative Political Studies, Conflict Management and Peace Science, Cornell University Press, European Journal of International Relations, European Journal of International Security, Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation, International Interactions, International Organization, International Political Science Review, International Relations, International Security, International Studies Perspectives, International Studies Quarterly, International Studies Review, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Journal of Global Security Studies, Journal of Peace Research, Journal of Politics, National Science Foundation, Oxford University Press, Perspectives on Politics, Politics, Philosophy, & Economics, Review of International Political Economy, Review of International Studies, Security Studies, Stability, Terrorism and Political Violence, War in History and World Politics.
Professional Memberships
American Political Science Association
International Studies Association
Peace Science Society
Council on Foreign Relations Term Member (2003–2009)
Women in Conflict Studies
Departmental and University Service
University of Minnesota
Associate Chair (AY 2022–2025)
DEI Committee, Chair (AY 2023–2025)
Awards Committee (AY 2023–2024)
Grievances and Academic Freedom Committee (AY 2019–2020)
Faculty Advisor, Multicultural Undergraduate Political Science Coalition (AY 2019–2020)
International Relations Field Chair (AY 2018–2019, 2019–2020)
Faculty Advisor, Minnesota International Relations Colloquium (AY 2018–2019)
Merit Advisory Committee (Fall 2018, Spring 2022)
Graduate Work Committee (AY 2017–2018, 2020–2021, 2024–2025)
International Relations Search Committee (AY 2017–2018), Chair (Spring 2018)
College of Liberal Arts Promotion and Tenure Committee (AY 2023–present)
Keynote speaker, UMN Pre-Law Society (October 2024)
Stassen Chair Search Committee, Humphrey School of Public Affairs (Fall 2022–present)
FLAS Selection Committee (Spring 2022)
Committee on Internationalization, College of Liberal Arts (2021–2022)
Faculty Advisor to GirlUp (AY 2019–2020, 2020–2021)
Interdisciplinary Dissertation Fellowship Selection Committee (AY 2019–2020)
Global Politics Search Committee, Humphrey School of Public Affairs (Fall 2019)
Dean’s Freshman Research and Creative Arts Scholars Faculty Advisory Panel (Summer 2019)
Keynote Speaker, Dean’s First Year Research and Creative Scholars Reception (December 2018)
Minnesota Human Rights Faculty Committee (AY 2018–2019, 2019–2020, 2020–2021, 2021–2022)
College of Liberal Arts Sneak Preview (July 2018)
Faculty Judge, College of Liberal Arts Undergraduate Research Symposium (April 2018)
College of Liberal Arts Dean’s Showcase of Faculty Research (March 2018)
Keynote Speaker, International Peace Day (invited by University of Minnesota Human Rights Student Association) (2017)
University of Notre Dame
Doctoral Advisory Committee, Kroc Institute (Spring 2017)
Associate Director, Notre Dame International Security Center (formerly Notre Dame International Security Program) (Fall 2014–Spring 2017)
Lead Associate Director (AY 2015–2016)
Keough School Search Committee, Comparative Politics (Fall 2016)
Doctoral Advisory Committee, Political Science (Fall 2016)
Faculty Mentor, Building Bridges Mentoring Program (July 2016–July 2017)
Grand Strategy Search Committee, Notre Dame International Security Center (Spring 2016)
International Political Economy Search Committee, Political Science (Fall 2015)
Faculty Convener, Kroc Institute Peace and Conflict Research Group (Fall 2015)
Graduate Policy Committee, Kroc Institute (AY 2015–2016)
Graduate Admissions Committee, Political Science (Spring 2015)
Faculty Advisor, Women in International Security (WIIS) (AY 2014–2015)
Quantitative Methods Search Committee, Political Science (Fall 2013)
Undergraduate Advisory Committee, Kroc Institute (AY 2013–2014)
Columbia University
Admissions Committee (AY 2002–2003, 2004–2005, 2008–2009)
Discussant for Department Mini-APSA (Spring 2003, 2011)
International Relations Search Committee (Fall 2004, Fall 2007)
International Political Economy Search Committee (Fall 2004, Fall 2007)
Dissertation Proposal Review Committee (AY 2004–2005, 2005–2006)
Committee to Develop Undergraduate Scope & Methods Course (Spring 2008)
Co-founder and organizer of Columbia University International Politics Seminar (CUIPS) (Fall 2002–Spring 2013)